S.01.01.03 Length, displacement – range < 0.01 m
S.01.01.06 Gap, distance, sag – range < 0.01 m
S.01.02.01 Force, load
S.01.02.03 Stress, strain, elongation
S.01.02.05 Pressure (gauge) – measuring error < 0.1 %
S.01.02.07 Fine vacuum < 1 mbar
S.01.02.19 Torque
S.01.03.03 Oscillation, amplitude, vibration speed
S.01.03.04 Vibration damping
S.01.04.01 Temperature, with contact
S.01.04.03 Temperature distribution
S.01.05.16 Geomagnetic field, compass
S.01.07.02 Conducted sound
S.01.07.05 Ultrasound
S.01.08.01 Electrical voltage
S.01.08.03 Electrical current, contactless
S.01.08.04 Electrical charge, capacity
S.01.08.05 Electrical fieldstrength, magnetic fieldstrength
S.01.08.06 Magnetic flux density
S.01.08.09 Inductance
S.01.09.04 Dissolved chlorine
S.02.01 Strain gauge
S.02.02 Semiconductor strain gauges, piezoresistive
S.02.03 Resistive sensor element
S.02.04 Piezoresistive sensing element
S.02.07 Thermoresistor
S.02.09 Inductive sensing element
S.02.10 Capacitive sensing element
S.02.11 Piezoelectric sensing element
S.02.12 Magneto-resistive sensing element
S.02.13 Magnetostrictive sensor element
S.02.21 Thermocouple
S.02.30 Laser measuring cell
S.02.35 Semiconductor temperature sensing element
S.03.01 Special material
S.03.02 Semi-finished part for sensors
S.03.05 Ceramic component
S.03.09 Protective coating
S.03.10 Casting compound, resin, synthetic
S.03.11 Permanent magnet
S.03.12 Ultrasound generator
S.03.19 Optical mirror, reflector
S.03.21 Electrical feedthrough
S.03.30 Hermetically sealed housing
S.03.35 Power supply for wireless sensors
S.03.45.02 Piezoelectric actuator
S.03.45.03 Magnetostrictive actuator
S.03.45.04 Shape memory actuator
S.03.45.05 Electromagnetic actuator
S.04.01 Exposure equipment
S.04.02 Equipment for photolithography
S.04.03 Dosing device
S.04.05 Coating systems, e.g. thermal coater
S.04.06 Coating system
S.04.07 Laser scoring, cutting and trimming system
S.04.08 Cleaning equipment
S.04.09 Etching equipment
S.04.10 Wafer saw
S.04.11 Equipment for desiccation, drying; tunnel furnace
S.04.12 Bonding equipment
S.04.13 Resistance soldering / welding equipment
S.04.14 Lettering equipment
S.04.15 Clean-room equipment
S.04.16 Flow box
S.04.17 ESD equipment
S.04.19 Micromounting system
M.02 Modeling and simulation, HiL
M.03.01 Multimeter
M.03.02 Oscilloscope
M.03.03 Signal generator
M.03.05 Data logger and radio transmitter
M.03.06 Modular universal measuring instrument
M.03.08 PC-based measurement system
M.03.09 Force-displacement measuring equipment
M.03.11 Portable measuring instrument for industrial sensors
M.03.15 Thermal imaging camera
M.04.02 Mechanical parameter
M.04.06 Optical parameter
M.04.08 Electrical parameter
M. Microvolts
M. 0.5 to 4.5 V
M. ≤ 10 V
M. ≤ 100 V
M. ≤ 1000 V
M. 0 to 20 mA
M. 4 to 20 mA
M.05.02.01 TTL
M.05.02.02 Incremental
M.05.02.03 IGBT / MOSFET
M.05.02.04 24V digital, SSI, PWM
M.05.03.01 Laboratory (RS 232, RS 485, IEEE, etc.)
M.05.03.05 Automation (Profibus, Interbus, Ethernet, EtherCAT, openSAFETY, etc.)
M.05.03.08 ProfiNET, Ethernet/IP
M.05.03.13 Network protocols
M.05.03.14 USB, SPI, I²C
M.05.04.01 Thermocouple
M.05.04.04 Strain gauge
M.05.04.05 Pressure in gas/liquid
M.05.04.09 Fixed gas measurement system
M.05.04.14 Thermography, thermal imaging camera system
M.06.01 Parametrization, visualization
M.06.02 Signal analysis, signal evaluation
M.06.03 Simulation
M.06.04 Statistics
M.06.05 Database
M.06.07 Programming environment
M.06.08 Automation software
M.06.09 Data acquisition, measurement value acquisition
M.06.11 Audio and video integration
M.06.12 Cloud server service
M.06.13 Calibration software
M.06.14 Thermography software
M.07.01 Electronics general
M.07.04 Cables, connectors, accessories for digital signal transmission
M.07.05 Wireless signal transmission (WLAN, UMTS, telemetry, Bluetooth, etc.)
M.07.06 Optical signal transmission (fiber optic)
M.07.07 Signal filter
M.07.08 Multiplexer
M.07.09 Measurement amplifier
M.07.10 AD/DA converter
M.07.11 Control component (SPS, PLC, DIO, etc.)
M.07.12 Controller
M.07.13 Data storage
M.07.14 Power supply voltage, power supply current
M.07.15 Universal display unit or operator panel
M.07.16 Normal
M.08.03 Object detection, object comparison
M.08.05 Object measurement
M.08.12 2D-/3D-Figure analysis
M.09.03.01 Analog measuring equipment
M.09.03.02 Digital measuring equipment
M.09.03.06 Test system
M. Tensile, pressure, bending
M. Shearing
M. Static
M. Static hardness testing per depth measurement
M. Instrumented hardness determination
M. Dynamic hardness measuring and testing process
M. Further types of hardness testing
M. Rheological testing device
M. Viscosimeter
M. Lubricant testing device, tribological testing system
M. Software
M. Force transducer
M. Strain gauge
M. High temperature testing system
M. Climatic test chamber (temperature, humidity, material moisture)
M. SFM (scanning force microscopy)
M. Optical 3-D measuring process, dimension testing system
M. Thermal imaging
M. Electron microscopy (SEM)
M. Thermal shock test air/air, air/liquid, liquid/liquid
M. Surface - error
M. Surface - roughness
M. Surface - topography
M. Surface - layer thickness
M. Quality monitoring system
M. Finite Element Calculation, FEM
M. Further oscillation measuring and testing systems, oscillation analysis
M. Further measuring and testing technology for chemical material testing
D.01.02.01 Measurement techniques and processes
D. Mechanical parameter
D. Thermal parameter
D. Optical parameter
D. Dynamic application (e.g. vibration damping)
D. Semi-finished part for sensors
D. Housing
D. Magnetic material
D. Optical diffraction grating, reticle, aperture, timing disk, siemens star, photomask
D. Passive component
D. Thin film technology
D. Microstructuring of silicon
D. Micro Systems Technologies MST, Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems MEMS
D. Microstructuring of other material (glas, ceramic, metal, polymer)
D. Lithography (E-beam-, UV-, X-ray lithography)
D. Galvanic processing
D. Replication technology (Injection molding, hot embossing)
D. Microoptics, integrated optics
D. Assembly and packaging
D. Photoresist processing
D. Photomask
D.01.03.02 Component simulation, particularly with FEM
D.01.03.09 Magnetic field simulation
D.01.03.10 Electric field simulation
D.01.04.01 Assembly and packaging
D.01.04.02 Packaging
D.01.04.14 Sensor integration in downhole- and subsea housings
D.02.01 Strain gauge technology
D.02.03 Thin film technology
D.02.05 LIGA technology
D.02.08 Plastics technology
D.02.11 Microsystems technology MST / Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems MEMS
D.02.12 Microsensor technology
D.02.13 Microactuator technology
D.02.15 Micromechanics, microstructuring
D.02.19 Assembly and packaging
D.02.21 Additive manufacturing (3D printing)
D.02.27 Laser processing
D.02.28 Etching technology
D.02.29 Galvanic processing
D.02.30 Bonding
D.02.31 Micro drilling
D.02.33 Micro gluing
D.02.34 Micro cutting
D.02.35 Molding-, micro molding technology
D.02.40 Cleaning/Activating
D.02.41 Other services concerning sensor systems and actuators
D.02.43 Prototype manufacture
D.02.48 Electron beam lithography
D.02.49 Photo lithography and embossing
D.02.50 Semiconductor processing
D.02.51 Multilayer coating
D.02.52 Additive manufacturing (3D printing)
D.02.54 Injection molding
D.02.55 Chemical, electroless metallization
D.03.02.30 Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, EDX, EDS
D.04.01 Measuring service
D.04.06 Training, continued education
D.04.09 Exhibition and trade fair services
D.04.10 Consulting in Micro Systems Technologies, MEMS
D.04.13 Business consulting
D.04.15 Technology consulting