Temperaturmesstechnik Geraberg GmbH

Heydaer Straße 39
98693 Martinroda
phone+49 3677 7949-0
fax+49 3677 7949-15

The company tmg is a specialist in the field of electrical temperature measurement. The product range (thermocouples, resistance thermometers, mineral insulated sheathed thermocouples) offers intelligent and reliable solutions for almost all areas of industry. So in addition to the range of standard variants of contacting electrical temperature sensors the development of industry-specific sensor designs and special designs in small quantities is the strength of the company tmg.

S.01.04.01 Temperature, with contact

S.01.05.01 Humidity, relative (gas humidity)

S.01.05.02 Humidity, absolute (gas humidity), dew point

S.01.05.05 Room climate

S.02.07 Thermoresistor

S.02.21 Thermocouple

S.02.35 Semiconductor temperature sensing element

S.03.40 Thermometer protection tube

M.04.04 Thermal and caloric parameter

M.04.08 Electrical parameter

M.05.04.01 Thermocouple

M.05.04.02 Resistance thermometer

M.07.04 Cables, connectors, accessories for digital signal transmission

D. Thermal parameter

D.02.43 Prototype manufacture

D.03.01.11 Temperature

D.03.02.12 Temperature sensor calibration