Best Paper Award for 'Printed Embedded Transducers'
AMA Association honors Johannes Kepler University in Linz and voestalpine Stahl
Berlin/Nuremberg, 8 September 2017- Specialists from science and industry presented the latest research and development results at the AMA Conferences SENSOR and IRS² in Nuremberg. A total of 203 national and international talks were held. The paper, Printed Embedded Transducers: Fabrication, Design and Characterization of Selected Applications, presented by the Johannes Kepler University in Linz and the voestalpine Stahl GmbH (primary author Johannes Sell, JKU) was bestowed the Best Paper Award by the jury.
“The contribution honored with the Best Paper Award convinced the jury by its high innovation content and clear portrayal of future applicability,” explained conference chair Reinhard Lerch (University Erlangen-Nuremberg) and jury chair Gerald Gerlach (TU Dresden) their selection. “The concept described here is suited for the integration into many applications using sensor functions, but without requiring that existing design solutions be significantly modified.” The awarded contribution provides an overview of the development of printed embedded transducers. The project focused especially on the description of new technologies and technological approaches to the integration of sensors and actuators in sheet-metal coating. The integration of large-area capacitive sensors, piezo- and pyro-electrical strata and strain gauges were used as examples.
Download Best Paper 2017 at:
Printed embedded transducers: Fabrication, design and characterization of selected applications.
The scientific AMA Conferences SENSOR and IRS² were held in this constellation for the last time. As of 2020 the AMA Conferences will be integrated in the Sensor and Measurement Science International (SMSI). These SMSI conferences will comprise not only the current SENSOR and IRS² (under the designation Sensors and Instrumentation), but also further topics, including Measurement Science and Metrology Transfers. This expanded and internationalized SMSI Conference will be held for the first time parallel to the SENSOR+TEST 2020 in Nuremberg.
Find the Proceedings der AMA Conferences 2017 at:
Center for Sensors and Measurement at the SPS IPC Drives
AMA presents itself with 11 exhibitors at the SPS IPC Drives from 28 to 30 November in Nuremberg.
The SPS IPC Drives offers information on products, innovations, and trends in electrical automation. The fair thus presents a platform for finding the right solutions in automation tasks. Sensors are essential components in automation and crucial functional elements in flexible machines. Visitors to the fair will find relevant information dealing with the basic elements of automation, its peripherals, and solutions for specific needs.
The exhibitors at the AMA Center can provide information about all the various technologies involved in electrical automation – and this includes quality assurance, position determination, automotive technology, process industry, and medical instrumentation design. Thus, the AMA Center offers an overview not only of the individual sensor elements, but also of specific measuring technologies, system and turnkey solutions, as well as industrial parts purchasing.
Interested parties will find the AMA Center for Sensors and Measurement at the SPS IPC Drives from 28 to 30 November 2017 in Hall 4A, Stands 221 & 223. A List of the exhibitors at the AMA Center and a brief description of their core activities are online at:
Sensors and Measurement: Slump in Turnover, While Orders Incoming Rise
AMA Association Publishes its Sensor Industry Figures for Second Quarter
Sensors and Measurement recorded a downturn in turnover of four percent, while orders incoming increased by three percent.
Berlin, 17 October 2017 - The AMA Association for Sensors and Measurement polls its 460 members every quarter on their economic development. After a substantial growth in turnover of nine percent in the first quarter, the AMA members showed a turnover decrease of four percent compared to the previous quarter. A comparison of the turnover development of the second quarter of 2017 with that of the previous year shows that the sensor industry generated a considerable increase in turnover of eight percent.
Based on these results, the sensor and measurement industry is confident, especially in view of the rise in orders incoming of three percent, compared to the result of the orders in the previous quarter. The AMA members are already expecting an increase in turnover of three percent in the third quarter.
“A glance at the results of the poll at first indicate a downturn in the second quarter, but a closer look shows a considerable increase of eight percent in turnover compared the results of the previous year,” explains AMA General Manager Thomas Simons. “Our members are confident and already look forward to a rise of three percent in the third quarter, as the orders incoming are clearly developing positively.”
AMA Innovation Award 2018: Submit Projects Now
Calling for Innovations in Sensor and Measuring Technology
Berlin, 7 November 2017 - The AMA Association for Sensors and Measurement (AMA) Invites researchers and developers to compete for the renown AMA Innovation Award for 2018. The AMA is looking for research and development results in sensor and measuring technology. The submission deadline is 23 January 2018.
Individuals or developer teams may submit innovative research and development projects that have a clear market relevance. The AMA Innovation Award is endowed with 10,000 euros. Young enterprises that have been on the market no longer than five years, have no more than 50 employees, and an annual turnover of less than 10 million euros, may compete for the special Young Enterprise Award. It is endowed with a trade-fair stand at the SENSOR+TEST 2018 free of charge.
The renown AMA Innovation Award has been presented for 18 years to innovative developers in sensors and measurement. It goes to the developers themselves, not their institutes or enterprises. The jury comprises representatives from universities, institutes, and enterprises. The jury members especially consider novel approaches, the general scientific achievement, as well as the project’s chances on the market.
“Sensors and measurement advance technical progress and the development of our society. Industry 4.0, Smart Cities, or autonomous mobility, the future is based on sensor and measuring technology. That’s one of the reasons why we get innovative projects with a high degree of market relevance from all over the world,” says Jury Chair Andreas Schütze from the Saarland University. “Besides interesting and convincing developments from established enterprises and institutes, we always look forward to the development projects from young enterprises. And to provide a special incentive for these, we have created the special category Young Enterprises. The winning team from this category will be invited to present their development free of charge at the AMA Association’s own trade fair, the SENSOR+TEST.”
The conditions for participation and submission forms for the AMA Innovation Award 2018 and the special category Young Enterprises as well as brochures of submissions from previous years can be obtained free of charge at:
The deadline for submissions is 23 January 2018. The nominations and winner of the special award will be made known at the AMA Press Conference on 8 March 2018. The winners of the AMA Innovation Award 2018 will be presented at the opening ceremony of the SENSOR+TEST on 26 June 2018 in Nuremberg.
Sensors and Measurement: Rise in Turnover and Orders Incoming
AMA Association Publishes Sensor Industry Figures for Third Quarter of 2017
The sensor and measurement industry generated five percent more turnover and registered a two-percent increase in orders incoming during the third quarter, in comparison with the previous quarter.
Berlin, 18 December 2017—The AMA Association for Sensors and Measurement polls its 460 members quarterly on their economic development. The sensor, measuring, and testing industry had already demonstrated its growth stability in the previous quarters of the current year and is now able to report a rise of five percent in turnover and an increase of two percent in orders incoming for the third quarter. Thus, the expectations of the AMA members of three percent growth in revenue for the third quarter were exceeded. One contributing factor for these good economic results may be the positive development in machine engineering and construction, which are supplied by 80 percent of the AMA member enterprises.
“Sensors and measurement continue to gain in importance and are the key to innovative technical products,” stated Thomas Simmons, AMA’s general manager. “Just recently, we have published the AMA study ‘Sensor Technologies 2022,’ in which we show trends and developments in the industry for sensors, sensor components, and production technologies. We’re especially excited about the impulses from the consolidation of the rapidly development information and communication technologies.”
The AMA members are counting on the continued digitization of the industry and the opportunities this opens to sensor and measurement technologies. They anticipate an overall growth in revenue, plan on increasing investments, and intend to further expand the workforce.
Chinese-German Sensor Innovation Forum Started
AMA Associated Consolidates Chinese-German Collaboration
Berlin, 4. July 2017—The AMA Association for Sensors and Measurement (AMA) and the Chinese Sensors and IoT Industry Association (SIA) have established the Chinese-German Sensor Innovation Forum at the SENSOR+TEST 2017 in Nuremberg as a platform for the exchange of technology and market-strategy information.
Xueshan Yang, the deputy minister for Industry and Information Technology in China, emphasized the special significance of the newly founded Chinese-German Forum in his speech at the opening event. Peter Krause, the AMA chairman, outlined the current trends in sensor development especially in regard to Industry 4.0 and the digitalization of vast areas of everyday life to the 60 delegates from Beijing.
Yuancheng Guo, chairman of the SIA and head of development at Electronics Component Industry Development Center at the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), sees the importance of sensor technology not only in factories and processing plants, but also in the day-to-day life in today’s mega-cities. The secretary general of the China Smart Home Industry Alliance (CSHIA), Jun Zhou, underlined the relevance of sensor technology with an overview of the required key technologies and their application in the networked and digitized world.
The development of sensors relies on the availability of highly technical research centers and the mass production of sensors depends on the availability of specialized professionals. In view of this background, Josef Sauerer, chairman of the Abteilung Smart Sensing und Electronics am Fraunhofer Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen (IIS) in Erlangen, explained the on-site readiness of a high-end research base and their current projects. Hubert Steigerwald, managing director of Sensorik-Bayern GmbH at Regensburg, closed the discussions with a talk on the opportunities of technology transfer in industry.
Peter Krause and Yuancheng Guo strengthen the innovation capability of the sensor industry and its future development of intelligent, sustainable technologies with this cooperation. German sensor suppliers already generate 60% of their revenues abroad. Changes in the traditional markets should let their interest in exporting to the Chinese market surge.
The development of resource-efficient automation, mobility, and supply structures cannot be implemented without adapted sensor technologies. To better promote innovation, trends in demand must be identified and evaluated as early as possible. Germany, the high-technology site, and China, the land of digitalization with a great market potential, will find a multitude of opportunities for collaboration. As open discussion forums, the Chinese-German Sensor Innovation Forum in Nuremberg, the International Conference on Sensors in the Internet of Things (SIOT) in Hangzhou, as well as further Chinese sensor centers are being planned. In a joint memorandum both organizations agree to concrete activity objectives.
Chinese-German Sensor Innovation Forum as a platform for the exchange of technology and market-strategy information will be held in both countries alternately every year.
AMA Elects New Representatives to Executive Board
Peter Krause Stays as Chair, Rolf Slatter and Stefan Zimmermann Are New
Berlin, 15 June 2017- The members of the AMA Association for Sensors and Measurement (AMA) confirmed Peter Krause (First Sensor AG) as Chair of the Executive Board at the Annual General Meeting on 31 May in Nuremberg. Newly elected to office were Dr. Rolf Slatter (Sensitec GmbH) as Secretary and Professor Dr. Stefan Zimmermann (Leibniz University Hanover) as Assessor and Chair of the AMA Science Board.
Rolf Slatter is an executive partner of Sensitec GmbH and a long-standing member of various AMA committees. He will take over the office of secretary from Peter Scholz (imc Test & Measurement GmbH), who after a number of terms in office will no longer be available as a candidate. Stefan Zimmermann was voted as the chair of the AMA Science Board, replacing the chair of many years, Andreas Schütze (University of the Saarland), who is also not available as a candidate for this office, but will continue as vice-chair of the AMA Science Board.
Confirmed for a two-year term of office are Christoph Kleye (IS-Line GmbH) as vice-chair and Johannes W. Steinebach (TWK-ELEKTRONIK GmbH) as treasurer.
“Our thanks for the trust you have placed in us. We will continue as a new team with renewed strength to link innovators”, said Peter Krause commenting on the Executive Board election. “We will go on purposefully with the expansion of our network. The challenges of the future play downright into our hands here. The approaches to future projects, such as CO2-neutral and energy-efficient cities, as well as sustainable mobility, Internet-based services for the economy, Industry 4.0, and secure identities, are all based on data that is provided by sensors and evaluated by measuring technology. With the combined knowhow of our members we are ready to help all of our contacts in industry, science, and politics with a future-oriented dialog,” said Krause explaining the objectives of the AMA Association during his term of office.
The AMA was founded in 1981 as the AMA Working Group for Transducers (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Messwertaufnehmer) and can draw on the technical competence of 460 members from industry and science. The AMA is the first contact for sensor and measuring technology and cultivates the innovation dialog at the leading trade fair SENSOR+TEST, at the scientific AMA Conferences, and at community stands of major trade fairs in Germany and abroad.
Further information:
Sensor and Measuring Industry Clearly Rises in First Quarter
AMA Association Statistics for First Quarter Published
Sensor and measuring industry generates nine percent more revenue in first quarter and books a plus of ten percent in orders incoming.
Berlin, 30 May 2017—The AMA Association for Sensors and Measurement polls its 460 members every quarter on the economic development. After a solid growth of four percent in the previous year, the sensor industry was able to generate a marked growth of a further nine percent. Orders incoming were boosted by ten percent compared to the previous quarter.
Thus, the sensor and measurement industry proves to be a strong growth sector. Moreover, sensor and measuring technology reflects the development of the German economy, which was also invigorated in the fourth quarter of 2016 and then continued to rise considerably in the first quarter of 2017.
The sensor and measurement industry currently profits extensively from the increasing digitalization of the industry at large. There is a demand for more and more intelligent linking of different sensor data with application-relevant information. This could be GPS positioning, utilization of WLAN, or model-based knowledge on a given process. Sensors with intelligent algorithms decide autonomously in running operations, what measuring results need to be communicated. Digitalization of the industry creates opportunities particularly for the small and medium sized enterprises in the sensor and measurement industry, not least by the expansion of their own value chain.
“Sensor, measuring, and testing technology has proven to be a stable growth sector over the last years. With a turnover result for the first quarter of 2017 of nine percent and an increase of ten percent in orders incoming, our member enterprises already exceed the forecast five percent growth,” summarizes Thomas Simmons, AMA’s managing director. “This gratifying economic development makes the relevance of sensors and measurement for modern industry tangible. The results of the first quarter are beyond the average of the recent years. We can look forward to a continued development of the market. Our members also reckon with a growth in revenue of approximately four percent for the current quarter.”
AMA Innovation Award 2017 for High-Frequency Particle Filter Sensor
Sensor for Condition Measurement of Emission Control Systems Wins
Berlin, 30 May 2017 - The AMA Association for Sensors and Measurement (AMA) bestowed the AMA Innovation Award 2017 to the winners on the 30th of May at the SENSOR+TEST in Nuremberg.
This year, a convincing developer team from the U.S.A. won the AMA Innovation Award 2017 with a high-frequency-based Diesel and gasoline particle filter sensor. The team members, Alexander Sappok and Paul Ragaller of the CTS Corporation, Boston Innovation Office, and Leslie Bromber from MIT received the 10,000 Euro Innovation Award.
This outstanding development of the CTS RF is a high-frequency-based sensor for the direct detection of the condition of Diesel and gasoline particle filters for emission control systems. The technology provides real-time values and enables feedback control, allowing the actual charge state of particle filters and catalyzers to be measured with an on-board sensor, which was previously not possible with currently available sensors. This sensor combines a robust mechanical solution with an intelligent and flexible measuring technology for data evaluation. Engine and vehicle makers can implement the CTS RF sensor to meet increasingly stringent emission values, while cutting costs and reducing complexity. Further information on the CTS RF sensor can be found at the SENSOR+TEST in Hall 2, Stand 300.
“This year, 41 teams with first-rate developments competed for the AMA Innovation Award. We were convinced by the development of the winning team with their solution to a very current topic, emission reduction and emission system control. The discussions held worldwide on this subject are also an indicator for the vast market relevance for such a CTS RF sensor,” said jury chair Professor Andreas Schütze from the Saarland University, commenting on this year’s selection.
The special award in the category “Young Enterprises” this year went to Jens Karsten Lange’s team from SLT Sensor- und Lasertechnik in Wildau, Germany, and researchers from the PTB, Germany’s National Metrology Institute, in Berlin. Their joint development of a detector for absolute power measurement in the terahertz spectrum can be seen at the SENSOR+TEST in Hall 1, Stand 631.
The Association has bestowed the AMA Innovation Award for 17 years now, and after the annual presentation it publishes the brochure “AMA Innovation Award – the Contestants” providing an overview of all submissions.
The Association will call for submission to the AMA Innovation Award 2018 in October of this year. Individuals or development teams from enterprises and institutes from Germany and abroad can participate in the competition.
The brochure with all the submissions for AMA Innovation Award for 2017
AMA Conferences: Sensor and Measurement Research Results
Visitors Discuss the Development in Research and Industry
The AMA Association for Sensors and Measurement has organized the AMA Conferences, SENSOR und IRS², for the 30th of May to the 1st of June in Nuremberg. Representatives from science and industry will present current research results from sensor and measuring technology. The SENSOR+TEST 2017 invites all participants to take part in the Innovation Dialog at the trade fair.
Berlin, 6 March 2017 - The AMA Conferences, SENSOR and IRS², are considered to be international networking platforms for experts in sensors and measurement. Specialists from science and industry are to present their latest R&D results. They invite all parties to a technical discussion.
The AMA Conferences are directed by Professors Gerald Gerlach (TU Dresden) and Reinhard Lerch (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg). A special highlight this year is the plenary talk by Alfons Dehé from Infineon Technologies, Munich. His presentation will deal mainly with silicon MEMS microphones, emphasizing the great efforts that have been made in regard to sensitivity, signal-to-noise ratio, and the improvement of the reliability of present technical solutions. These new microphones already lead the worldwide smartphone market. Other highlights at this year’s AMA Conferences are gas and biosensors, again underlining the growing potential in this area.
“We also look forward to the special session, Recent Developments in the IR Industry,” commented Gerlach on the conference agenda 2017. “Various enterprises will be presenting the latest scientific-technological results of their research and development efforts in six presentations.” Conference visitors can also expect talks about trends and developments in the area of sensor principles, modelling, and simulation as well as novel sensor applications in industry.
The internationally oriented poster sessions in the congress area of the AMA Conferences will provide further information on cross-disciplinary research approaches. The parallel SENSOR+TEST trade fair with its 600 exhibitors from Germany and abroad invites the conference participants to come and network.
The AMA Conferences 2017 will be held from 30 May to 1 June 2017 at the Nuremberg Exhibition Center, “NCC Mitte” (Middle). The detailed agenda for the AMA Conferences 2017, further information, and registration can be found at:
AMA Center for Sensors and Measurement at the Hanover Fair
AMA Association as Partner of the “Industrial Automation” Forum
Berlin, 24 March 2017—The AMA Association is present at the Hanover Fair from 24 to 28 April 2017 with 19 exhibitors at the AMA Center for Sensors and Measurement. The AMA members will present new products and approaches to solutions in sensors and measurement in the area of “Industrial Automation.”
Process control, mechanical engineering, or automation: There is hardly a branch of industry in which sensors and measurement technologies are not electronically testing, monitoring, or automating. The need for sensors – especially smart sensors – is on the rise. The demand is for intelligent linking of the plethora of sensor data to relevant information. The AMA Competence Center for Sensors and Measurement invites the visitors to the trade fair to detailed technical discussions about innovative approaches to solutions in industrial automation. The exhibitors in Hall 11 provide information on specific sensor elements, special sensors, complex sensor systems, and dedicated measuring technology as well as on system and turn-key solutions.
Moreover, the AMA Association is a partner of the “Industrial Automation” forum in Hall 14. Visitors can obtain information here in presentations on production and process automation. Experts will also talk about trends and are available for subsequent discussions.
The AMA Center for Sensors and Measurement can be found at the Hanover Fair from 24 to 28 April 2017 in Hall 11. The list of the exhibitors at the AMA Center and a brief description of their core activities
Agenda for the “Industrial Automation” forum in Halle 14
AMA Innovation Award 2017: Five Teams Nominated
Special Award “Young Enterprises” goes to SLT Sensor- and Lasertechnik
The AMA Association for Sensors and Measurement has nominated five submissions for the AMA Innovation Award 2017. The Special Award for “Young Enterprises” goes to Jens Karsten Lange’s team from SLT Sensor- und Lasertechnik GmbH in Wildau, Germany.
Berlin, 16 March 2017 - The AMA Innovation Award is among the most renown prizes in sensor and measuring technology and is to be presented for the 17th time. This year, 41 research and development teams from Germany and abroad submitted their projects for the 10,000-eur award. Startups, active for five years, with less than 50 employees, and annual revenues under 10 million euros, were able to compete for the special “Young Enterprise” award. The winning team receives a trade-fair presence at the SENSOR+TEST 2017 in Nuremberg, Germany, free of charge.
This year the special award was bestowed on Jens Karsten Lange’s team from SLT Sensor- und Lasertechnik GmbH in Wildau, Germany, and representatives of the PTB, Germany’s National Metrology Institute in Berlin. The team jointly developed detectors for absolute power measurement in the terahertz spectral range. It saw its major challenge in the fact that until recently there were no calibrated detectors for the evaluation the THz power of time-domain spectroscopy (TDS) systems made by different manufacturers. Three characteristic quantities were not available: broad-band, extended area, and high sensitivity. The sensors developed in the submission meet these requirement and are now to be sold by SLT including an individual calibration certificate from the PTB.
“As members of the jury from research and industry, we are positively surprised by the high quality of the outstanding submissions every year out of which we nominate five teams for the AMA Innovation Award. This year’s projects prove just how sensor and measurement technology point the way ahead,” said Andreas Schütze, the jury chair from the Saarland University. “We are glad indeed to be able to bestow the Young Enterprise award among the five nominees. Jens Karsten Lange and his team from SLT and the PTB are invited to present free of charge their detectors for absolute power measurement in the terahertz spectral range at the SENSOR+TEST from 30 May to 1 June 2017.”
Nominated for the AMA Innovation Award 2017 (in alphabetical order) are:
BactiSense: Thermal identification of bacteria and viability testing
Dr. Bart van Grinsven, Prof. Dr. Thomas Cleij (University Maastricht), Dr. Kasper Eersels, Prof. Dr. Patrick Wagner (KU Leuven) / brochure p. 6
Detectors for absolute power measurement in the terahertz spectral range
Dr. Werner Bohmeyer, Achim Mans, Jens Karsten Lange (SLT, Wildau) und Dr. Andreas Steiger, Dr. Ralf Müller (PTB, Berlin) / brochure p. 6
Flame ionization detector with an internal gas supply as a field instrument
Dr. Winfred Kuipers, Dr. Jan Förster, Dr. Christian Koch (Krohne GmbH, Duisburg), Dr. Steffen Ziesche, Christian Lenz (Fraunhofer IKTS, Dresden) / brochure p. 7
Magnetic-inductive force sensor
Dr. Phillip Coerlin, Dr. Tobias Kitzler, Dr. Tobias Senkbeil, Anatol Schwersenz, Christian Leiser, Sebastian Schwiertz, Steffen Witzemann (Trafag GmbH, Unterensingen) und Lutz May (Torque And More GmbH, Starnberg) / brochure p. 7
Radio-frequency diesel and gasoline particulate filter sensor
Dr. Alexander Sappok, Dr. Paul Ragaller (CTS Corporation, Malden, USA), Dr. Leslie Bromberg (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) / brochure p. 8
The winners of the AMA Innovation Award 2017 will be made known at the opening ceremony of the SENSOR+TEST 2017 trade fair in Nuremberg on 30 May 2017.
An overview of all projects submitted for the AMA Innovation Award 2017 you will find in the Brochure AMA Innovation Award 2017
Sensors and Measurement: Turnover, Investments, and Exports Are Up
The sensor and measuring industry generated a four percent increase in turnover last year, invested two percent more, and boosted its export quota by seven percent. This year, the sensor industry is planning greater investments and an expansion of its workforce. Almost 90 percent of the AMA members see good opportunities for their enterprises by digitizing and networking the industrial production.
Berlin, 13 March 2017—The AMA Association for Sensors and Measurement (AMA) polled its members on the economic development during 2016. The sensor and measuring industry was able to maintain its successful growth in all segments. The AMA members anticipate a further growth in revenue of five percent and plan to invest another five percent, compared to the results of the previous year.
Last year, the sensor and measurement industry generated a cumulated growth in turnover of four percent. With this result, the sensor and measurement industry was able positively stand out from the development of the producing industry as a whole, which nearly stagnated last year.
This development is also confirmed by the willingness of the sensor industry to invest. In fact, the AMA members invested two percent more last year than in the previous year. The representatives of the sensor and measurement industry propose to further increase their investment by an additional five percent. At the same time, they also plan to expand their workforce by a further three percent.
Growth in German Export Quota to Other European Countries
The success of the sensor industry overall is reflected by a significant rise in the export quota by seven percentage points to 58 percent. It is thus clearly higher than the result of the previous year. Conspicuous is that the export quota to non-European countries has remained largely unchanged, while the exports within Europe soared by seven percentage points to 36 percent.
Digitizing and Networking Industrial Production
The AMA Association polled its members this year on the risks and opportunities of digitizing and networking the industrial production. A total of 88 percent of the AMA members consider the development towards Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things as a good opportunity for more growth in sensor and measuring technology, while only 10 percent of the AMA members remained undecided.
“The sensor and measurement industry is in the fast lane compared to the overall German industry,” concluded Thomas Simmons, general manager of the AMA Association for Sensors and Measurement, in regard to the poll results. “If we take a look at society’s future projects, we find topics like CO2-neutral, energy-efficient, climate-adapted cities, intelligent conversion of the power supply, sustainable mobility, Internet-based services for the economy, Industry 4.0, and secure identities. These projects already show us today the challenges of tomorrow. The good news for our sensor and measuring industry is that the approaches to their solution are based on data that only sensor and measuring technology can provide and evaluate. Thus, the future has many new opportunities for our members to mold these coming changes.”
The sensor and measurement industry continued in the year 2016 on its overall path of growth. The AMA members are counting on an increase in revenue of five percent, plan on investments during the current year of five percent, and an expansion of the workforce of three percent. Digitization and networking of industrial production are regarded by the AMA members as opportunities for their own enterprises.