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Heimann Sensor GmbH

Maria-Reiche-Str. 1
01109 Dresden
phone+49 351 888885-0
fax+49 351 888885-27

Heimann Sensor GmbH is an established manufacturer of high quality infrared thermopiles, thermopile arrays, thermopile modules and pyroelectric sensors for remote temperature measurement, IR-imaging and gas analysis.

S.01.02.07 Fine vacuum < 1 mbar

S.01.04.02 Temperature, contactless

S.01.04.03 Temperature distribution

S.01.05.05 Room climate

S.01.06.04 Radiation, radiated energy, density

S.01.06.15 Infrared, IR measurement

S.01.09.19 Body temperature

S.01.10.06 Carbon monoxide, CO

S.01.10.07 Carbon dioxide, CO2

S.01.10.08 Nitrous oxides NOx

S.01.10.13 Methane, CH4, natural gas, biogas

S.01.10.26 Refrigerants

S.02.20 Pyroelectric sensing element

S.02.28 Infrared, IR measuring cell

S.02.38 Thermopile

M.08.17 Infrared system

D. Microstructuring of silicon

D.01.04.01 Assembly and packaging